module toml_foolery.encode.types.enum_; import toml_foolery.encode; /// Serializes integral types into TOML Integer values. /// Throws: /// TomlEncodingException when value is out of range of valid TOML Integers /// (can only happen when T is `ulong`). package(toml_foolery.encode) void tomlifyValueImpl(T)( const T value, ref Appender!string buffer, immutable string[] parentTables ) if (is(T == enum)) { string valueStr =!string; buffer.put(`"`); buffer.put(valueStr); buffer.put(`"`); } @("An enum field should be encoded as a string, not as its base type.") unittest { enum Note { Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti } struct S { Note note; } expectToEqualNoBlanks(_tomlifyValue(S(Note.Fa)), ` note = "Fa" `); }